This Is a Pretty Woman who kill hearts that beat!
This is inspired by a woman whom I meet recently, a woman who tried to get the best off me and she almost did. She has no real focus in life, although she think she does. This is why she has so many eyes. The bottom eye is arising form her skin breaking it apart and setting its eyes on something else. Out of her mouth she spews nothing but venom, lies and deceit. With her words she can stop any man in his tracks if he is not smart. I cannot say much about this woman except she has cause a great deal of confusion in my life. Although she is very pretty her soul has a dark tint that only God can clear. She has allowed herself to become this beast that grows uglier by the minute. She will try to steal your heart and feed of you agony and pain. Out of your confusion she causes irritation and frustration, she is never clear as to what she wants. And although I may still want her I know its best to depart!
If I am not careful she may steal mine and destroy it as the many men who have fallen before me. How she entices me with words and calls my attention, touches deep within my soul with her soft caring hands and gestures, how my body follows but my mind drifts of into space into my state of Nirvana and seeks answers from actions and questions from answers. How this woman misdirects me, how she plays games with my head, I depart from her, she can only be trusted for one thing and that is nothing. How sad that a woman can fill my heart with hate, anger and demise of my dignity(which I gladly saved most of) frustration. I often wonder how I fall into these situations, how these woman call my attention. Where is the magnet on me that attracts them to me? Why o Lord does this happen to me? Is it to inspire me to draw? to paint such masterpieces? well let me not count my eggs before they hatch I am still in stage 1 and it is a W.I.P. I would like to see this on cloth possibly silk. It emphasizes my definition and my intentions as well as my vision and message. Lets see what I can come up with.
The End?
Hmm as much as you know this, don't let it get the best of you . Think of it as experience without the hassle of a relationship. Cuz if this were to have occurred within the relationship circle then you really would be F*%$@d. You know what I mean bro... avoid the psychos even if they are hot.
Thanks Topo...(Elias??) Very well said.
I do believe there was (and is) a good reason for it, I don't believe its for the purpose of this sketch but It may just be the beginning. I may not ever really find out what was this experience for until many years from now, and might reflect on how this may have helped me.
I just do hope I have learned something from it other than what colors work best to describe her true intentions!
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