Its a line from the play that I am in. Watching this play unfold itself has been quite an adventure. from reading it trying to understand it and creating the characters from the ground up, has been worthwhile. It has had its frustrating moments (like any other thing you might do in your life that is a challenge) and its had its great moments(typical). I've meet a wide variety of characters. People of which I never would have thought of interacting with, or even befriending. i don't know if its safe to say similar people, similar in the sense that they cant stay still... snake like people who feel their bodies can express life itself.. and I believe they can. They are no Will Ferrell or Al Pacino's but they are the folks who do theatre. Who do this just because it brings pure enjoyment into their lives. They will make you believe that they are a cat.. to say the least and you would believe them, and say"Juan that Is a tall cat!!" and I would say "No no my friend that is not a giant cat that is a person their name is...."What a great opportunity it is to be a part of this.To be able to enjoy the company of other people who are like myself giant monkeys who cant stay still...who enjoy the concept of being someone else, just for the sake of being someone else.. not for the money, but for the pure pleasure of it!
Showtime is coming up soon.. Can I do this can I pull this thru??!
We will soon find out!!
What a challenge!!!!
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