Wow, life has a funny way of teaching yo things, for what purpose I don't know.
I begin to ask myself what purpose does all this have in my life. What ultimate goal am I reaching here that I am going to meet that I need all this training for?
I can understand why I have meet certain hardships in my life, God wanted to mature me. That makes sense, but is everything I go through for maturity. How mature can a person be? And on top of that if it isn't all for maturity than what is it for. Some things are just stupid, and some were pointless, what about those situations? Some situations taught me how to trust and others on how to love, forgive, bless and so on. But some WHY? well I don't know I do hope it has a purpose. I will be very mad if I find out that this had no purpose, no definition for my character, and it was God's way of having a good time. But I don't think God would do that. He is an awesome God. Aside all my hardships I can say far more is that He has blessed me. I am in the teachers union, my relationship with my father, is far better than it was when I was *(which we had none). I can't say my life has been a pain after pain. But there is one area in my life that still needs work on. I don't know how I always end up in the same position, and why do nice guys finish last. I often wonder if I can stop running get on a bike and get to the finish line and get it over with. A good friend once told me, "Juan there's nothing wrong with you, its the people I meet." Its not like I ask to be in these situations I just so happen to be"lucky" enough to be in them. Well more power to me. I have been able to hold on my own and move on. SO why not continue this good trait. Well God Bless Everyone.
Nothing crazy has happened to me, I just wonder when is this all going to end and I can start doing something new with my life that is worthwhile ? far more than my recent adventures. When can I go to the next step in my life and start learning new things. When can that one area of my life be filled and I can move on to working on a new project. do I keep hitting these walls??
When are you going to let me seethe light at the end of the this tunnel??
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