Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well Here I am again, wondering where it will end, I am also sure you are wondering when this broken record will get fixed, or when am I going to upgrade to a lifestyle that's unscratchable. But we all know that life is never unscratchable, always getting into something, if its not one things its always another. That's life, what are you or I to expect. Many people can expect great things, I have been remember meeting someone a few years back who said to me I plan on retiring at 25. I took a step back and thought to myself how stupid is that, quit early where the challenge in life in that, way to suck it to people who work hard for a living. Now I am sure you can say "Hey Juan you aren't fair that's what that person can do allow them to do it, who are you to talk" you are right, but how can a person think that life is going to allow you to go through it smooth and bumpless...and maybe the person knew how much work they had to put in in order to get there. But you really have to think, life takes a toll on you, things come up. You never should count your eggs before they hatch. I remember I was quite naive when I was young(18) I though I was going to be all set after graduating from college, boy was I wrong. All I know that, that person is working now at age 26 still and hasn't been able to reach their dream of retiring at a young age. Its like you are to have a faith on a day by day basis, not have it change but not hope for the day to come since you don't know what to hope for. I guess the saying of taking one day at a time, is quite wise. Let's not worry about tomorrow God says, I can't imagine one day me wanting to apply that to myself now more than ever.
I should be glad I haven't metio las patas and have a kid, or done something else that is regretful, that would bring me down, but trying to make the right decisions has left me regretting many things too. I mean I could be worse off, and I should be glad and thankful that I am not. BUT each person IS diffrent, I mean what overwhelming to you probably is a walk in the park for me.
That's not to say that I may just be full of shit and just talking. I have noreason to explain myself, its how I am. why should I change that. For who? You?

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